Code Enforcement Officer:
Warren Kelly

9 Day Street
Fredonia, NY 14063
Cell Phone: (716) 673-5459
Fax:  (716) 672-6800

The Code Enforcement Officer does not have set, scheduled hours. Please call Mr. Kelly's cell phone number provided. Please only leave a voice message on the cell phone number. Your call will be returned.

Revised Fence Regulations

SECTION 300-51 FENCES/WALLS (Revised 12-6-22)

A. Purpose - For the purpose of protecting properties adjacent to fences and walls from indiscriminate placement, unsightliness, related health and safety problems, etc., the following rules and standards shall apply:

B. Definition - Fences shall, for the purpose of this law, include hedges and walls and is further defined in the definitions section.

C. Regulations - Fences and walls shall be allowed by permit in any district and shall conform to the regulations which follow:

1. Exempt Fencing - Fencing used for agricultural purposes on farms (see definition) shall be exempt from all regulations except for maintenance requirements detailed below.  Additionally, non-boundary fencing located more than 25 feet from any property line shall be exempt.

2. Permits - Fences shall be allowed up to 6 feet in height".  Fences above 6 feet in height shall require a Special Use Permit and consideration will be given to visibility from adjacent properties, light and air movement, etc.

3. Setback from Road - Fences shall not be located within legal highway rights-of-way.

4. Proximity to Neighboring Properties - All fences, walls, and/or hedges shall be located no closer than 2 feet from adjacent property lines. This rule can be waived if agreed to in writing by adjacent property owners.

5. Fire Hazard - Any fence considered to be flammable shall be prohibited.  Also, any fence in a potentially hazardous location shall be not allowed.

6. Finished Sides - The finished sides of all fences must face adjacent properties.  This rule can be waived if agreed to in writing by adjacent property owners.

7. Materials - Only durable materials generally used and accepted by the industry shall be used for fences.

8. Maintenance - All fences shall be maintained structurally and visually.

9. Lakeshore Fence - See supplemental Section 300-47 on Lakeshore Regulations.

10. Corner setbacks - Fences, walls, and/or hedges shall not be located so as to cut off or reduce visibility at intersections.  See Section on Visibility in Article V.

D. Pre-existing Fences - Fences in existence at the time of the enactment of this Law shall only be subject to regulation number 1 - Exempt Fencing and regulation number 8 - Maintenance; as listed above.

If you are unsure whether to obtain a building permit, please contact the Code Enforcement Officer. The Building Permit application is at the bottom of this page

- New Single Family, Two Family & Multiple Dwellings
- New Residential Garages
- Residential, Commercial, Agricultural and Misc. Storage Buildings (Includes Pole Buildings)
- Additions, Renovations & Alterations to Residential, Commercial, - Agricultural and Misc. Buildings
- Decks
- Conversions of any type
- Residential, Business & Commercial Signage
- Swimming Pools; Above Ground, In-Ground and Inflatable types.
- Fences
- Commercial Buildings
- Solid Fuel Burning Appliances; Wood, Coal, Pellet, Corn, etc.
- Demolitions
- Wind Energy Conversion Towers
- Tele-Communication Towers: New Construction and Alterations to existing Towers
- Sub-Divisions

Architects & Engineers

Keri Belovarac                                                Edmund M Schober
Bemus Point, NY 14712                               500 E. Sixth St.
716-567-4070                                                 Jamestown, NY 14701
                                                                          716-483-3153 x 216

J&L Engineering                                              CV3 Architectural PC
3 Andrew Court                                              7389 East Quaker St.
Fredonia, NY 14063                                       Orchard Park, NY 14127
716-679-1080                                                 716-440-7740

JDS Associates/James Sprantz RA              John Haas
9 Ryan St.                                                       2243 Wilcox Road
Lancaster, NY 14086                                    North Collins, NY 14111
716-392-5747                                                716-523-4001

Ronald Kessler RA                                        Gary Schauman-Tech
122 Lakeview Ave.                                        185 Maple St.
Fredonia, NY 14063                                      Cassadaga, NY 14718
716-483-3153                                                716-785-7824

Harrington Architecture                            Rock Hill Engineering
205 Can Buren                                            6948 Kings Corners
Jamestown, NY 14701                                Panama, NY 14767
716-640-0737                                              716-782-2206

Inscale PC Architects                                 Chris Cooke Architecture
1723 Liberty St.                                          25 South Main St.
Warren, PA 16365                                      Cassadaga, NY 14718
814-723-9197                                              716-228-0520

2021-2022 Licensed Electricians

BECC Electric                                    716-363-7602
Tilburg Electric                                716-679-4900
Vidal Electric                                    716-761-6792
Pachol Electric                                 716-679-3577
Michael Pagano                              716-570-6335
Muck Electric, LLC                          716-254-8369
Moonlight Electric                          716-664-4477

Casale Plumbing & Heating         716-366-1700
Diefenbach Plumbing                    716-934-3033
Fredonia Heating & Plumbing    716-679-1652
Gugino Plumbing & Heating        716-679-0080
King’s Plumbing & Heating          716-665-3102
Chautauqua Mechanical              716-708-4756
Jamestown Heating & AC            716-488-8275