Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the continuation of Public Hearing #2-25 will be held by the Pomfret Zoning Board of Appeals on April 1, 2025, at 6:30 PM at Pomfret Town Hall, 9 Day Street, Fredonia, NY 14063 to consider the appeal of Stacy Rosberg, for a Special Use Permit for property located at 10362 Chestnut Rd, Dunkirk, NY 14048. This property is described on the tax map as SBL:112.08-1-18.1.

The applicant is requesting an extension for the maximum number of inhabitable days of a transportable trailer dwelling unit. The Building Permit denial was based on requirements under the Town of Pomfret’s Zoning Code Section 300-61B “Temporary Transportable Dwelling Units – Inhabitation Time” which states the Maximum Number of Days Inhabited Per Time Period for the R2 District is 2 weeks per 3 months. The property is zoned Large Lot Residential (R2).

This Special Use Permit application is open to inspection at the Town of Pomfret Planning & Zoning Office, 9 Day Street, Fredonia, NY 14063.    

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the environmental significance of the proposed request under SEQRA will be reviewed by the Board at said hearing.

Any person may appear in person, or by agent or attorney. Please contact the Zoning Office at (716)672-7496 Ext. 7 with any questions. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Clerk or at such hearing. All interested persons shall be heard.  

Chairman David Fridmann
Town of Pomfret Zoning Board of Appeals

Dated: March 21, 2025
Planning & Zoning Clerk
Nicole Waite
9 Day Street
Fredonia, NY 14063
Phone:  716-672-7496 x7

Pomfret Zoning Board of Appeals

David Fridmann, Chairman
Michaelene Comerford
Raymond Lewandowski
Ruth Eckstrom
Alex Moon      
Jonathan Townsend (Alternate)

-The Zoning Board of Appeals shall act in strict accordance with procedures specified by Law and the Town of Pomfret Zoning Law.
The major duties of the Board shall be to hear and decide on variance requests as well as interpret the meaning of the Town Zoning Law as requested.
Additionally, they shall hear requests for selected Special Use Permits when a Variance (Use or Area) is also requested.
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
Town of Pomfret Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M. except where indicated (*):

January 7th
February 4th (Cancelled)
March 4th
April 8th
May 6th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd
October 7th
November 18th*
December 2nd
Zoning Board Minutes

Pomfret Zoning Code

This PDF contains the documentation for the zoning code for the town of Pomfret.

Download "Pomfret Zoning Code.pdf"

Zoning Applications
You MUST submit a Building Permit Application to the Code Enforcement Officer, AND receive a Denial Letter before you can submit an application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Area Variance Application

If your building permit application was denied and you were instructed to apply for an Area Variance the application, required attachments, and fee must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Clerk in order to schedule a public hearing.

Download "Town of Pomfret - Area Variance Application.pdf"

Special Use Permit Application

If your building permit was denied and you were instructed to apply for a Special Use Permit the application, required attachments, and fee must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Clerk in order to schedule a public hearing.

Download "Town of Pomfret - Special Use Permit Application.pdf"

Use Variance Application

If your building permit was denied and you were instructed to apply for a Use Variance the application, required attachments, and fee must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Clerk in order to schedule a public hearing.

Download "Town of Pomfret - Use Variance Application.pdf"