School Tax Relief (STAR) Credit
Please visit the website or call (518) 457-2036
to apply for the STAR Credit Program, or if you have any questions regarding a check you may be receiving.
to apply for the STAR Credit Program, or if you have any questions regarding a check you may be receiving.
Common Property Tax Exemptions
All Property Tax Exemption Applications and documentation must be turned in to the Assessor's Office by March 1st.
Alternative Veterans Exemption

If you served during the following times of war submit this application with your DD214:
- Persian Gulf Conflict: On or after 8/2/1990
- Vietnam War: 11/1/1955 - 5/7/1975
- Korean War: 6/27/1950 - 1/31/1955
- World War II: 12/7/1941 - 12/31/1946
Download "RP-458-a Alternative Veterans Exemption Application.pdf"
Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers Exemption

If you're a volunteer firefighter or ambulance worker submit this application along with the necessary documentation.
Download "RP-466-a-vol Application for Volunteer Firefighters-Ambulance Workers Exemption.pdf"
Senior Citizens Exemption

If you're applying for the first time fill out this application and return it with your 2023 tax return.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Senior Income Worksheet below.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Senior Income Worksheet below.
Download "RP-467 Application for Senior Citizens Exemption.pdf"
Senior Citizens Exemption Renewal

If you're renewing your Senior Citizens Exemption fill out this application, and return it with your 2023 tax return.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Senior Income Worksheet below.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Senior Income Worksheet below.
Download "RP-467-Rnw Renewal Application for Senior Citizens.pdf"
Senior Citizen Income Worksheet

You must complete this form if you DON'T file an income tax return. Please return it with your Senior Exemption application and income documentation.
Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income Exemption

If you're applying for the first time fill out this application, and return it with your 2023 tax return.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Income Worksheet below.
If you don't file income taxes, you must also complete the Income Worksheet below.
Download "RP-459-c Disabilities & Limited Income Application.pdf"
Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income Exemption Renewal

If you're renewing your Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income Exemption fill out this application, and return it with your 2023 tax return.
If you don't file income taxes you must also complete the Income Worksheet below.
If you don't file income taxes you must also complete the Income Worksheet below.
Disabilities and Limited Income Worksheet

You must complete this form if you're applying/reapplying for the Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income Exemption and DON'T file a tax return.