Notice of Public Hearing
The applicant is requesting an extension for the maximum number of inhabitable days of a transportable trailer dwelling unit. The Building Permit denial was based on requirements under the Town of Pomfret’s Zoning Code Section 300-61B “Temporary Transportable Dwelling Units – Inhabitation Time” which states the Maximum Number of Days Inhabited Per Time Period for the R2 District is 2 weeks per 3 months. The property is zoned Large Lot Residential (R2).
This Special Use Permit application is open to inspection at the Town of Pomfret Planning & Zoning Office, 9 Day Street, Fredonia, NY 14063.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the environmental significance of the proposed request under SEQRA will be reviewed by the Board at said hearing.
Any person may appear in person, or by agent or attorney. Please contact the Zoning Office at (716)672-7496 Ext. 7 with any questions. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Clerk or at such hearing. All interested persons shall be heard.
Chairman David Fridmann
Town of Pomfret Zoning Board of Appeals
Dated: February 21, 2025